Sunday, August 06, 2017

We have a heartbeat at 6 weeks!

I had my first OB ultrasound on Friday (Aug 4th) at 6 weeks.  The technician was very nice to let my husband go in the ultrasound room.  Usually it is not allowed during the monitoring hours.  But it was later in the day and the place was not busy anymore.

Good news - we saw a heartbeat of 94.  Ideally they want to see a heartbeat of around 100 at this stage but the baby embryo is about 2 days late in size.  So it will need another 2 more days to have the normal heart rate.  I don’t have any pictures because our clinic does not allow pictures taken inside the ultrasound lab.

The gestational sac and yolk sac is visible.  At first, the technician couldn’t see the sac properly through my belly because of my tilted uterus (the same issue why it was difficult for my doctor to transfer the embryo in the first place).  The technician had me empty my bladder completely.  Then she saw something but she couldn’t see the yolk sac at first.  So she had to do the transvaginal ultrasound (which I’m so used to these days so no big deal), and that’s when she was able to see what she wanted to see.

I was also told there's a cyst but not to worry about it.  I didn't bother to ask what it is exactly. If it's still there next week, then I will ask further details.

Thank God for this milestone.  I know it is still very early and anything can happen.  I pray every day that God will not take away baby Scobie.  This is farther along than what we had compared to the first embryo transfer that miscarried just before 6 weeks.

So starting today weekly ultrasound and bloodwork is required until week 11-12 to monitor the pregnancy.  I'm also continuing with daily booty shots (progesterone-in-oil injections) up until around 12 weeks. 

Next week, the target heartbeat should be around 120.  I’m still a bit nervous of course and each day I wake up the first thing I check is to make sure I’m not bleeding and what a blessing it is!

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